How to Get a Record Deal

Give Your Music a Chance

Posted on June 27, 2013 at 12:15 pm.
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From the Video…
“The LMF if they can do that for us that is really sick like obviously we want more people to be able to do that, to make big because a lot of people don’t choose music, if they’re passionate if they chose it as a career option for fear that I will be a failure but if companies can help them make it more people will be able to follow that passion I think that is really good. It is like it just turns a raw talent that just hasn’t been harnessed. They’re playing really hard but they are just like oh no I can’t do that, you know, I might fail or whatever…”

How to Get a Record Deal – LMFMusic

Posted on June 27, 2013 at 11:01 am.
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From the Video…
“LMFMusic is a new concept, it is really exciting because it is an A&R which is artist and repertoire music company that deal with unsigned artists who create music. We are not interested in cover music, you don’t have to sing a cover song, obviously we can’t accept cover songs so we just focus on the unsigned artists who create original music and we help you pathway to a music career. So whether it be a recording deal, whether it be a publishing deal or you just want to be up on iTunes, it is just a great way of coming through the system learning about the business and giving unsung artists a chance…”